Letters to the Editor
Disclaimer: The Visible Embryo web site is provided for your general information only. The information contained on this site should not be treated as a substitute for medical, legal or other professional advice. Neither is The Visible Embryo responsible or liable for the contents of any websites of third parties which are listed on this site.
We are pleased to hear from our visitors and welcome your comments. However, The Visible Embryo cannot answer personal medical questions and must refer all inquiries regarding the status of pregnancy and fetal well being back to you and your physician or health care provider.
Comments and questions regarding information currently displayed on the website and suggestions for additional areas of coverage can be emailed to The Visible Embryo at the address below. Due to the volume of mail we receive, please expect up to four weeks before receiving an answer.

Corrections and Fixes
Please email a report of any broken links or log-in problems by writing the type of problem in the email subject line. Send to:

Please allow up to 4 weeks for responses.