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The Visible Embryo provides visual references for changes in fetal development throughout pregnancy and can be navigated via fetal development or maternal changes.
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CLICK ON weeks 0 - 40 and follow along every 2 weeks of fetal development
Nov 30 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to Friday Going Beyond Textbook Descriptions For the first time, researchers observe the actual process of how genes turn on and off...
Nov 30 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayMaking Fruit Flies - Humans (?) Live Longer Research identifies why reducing your food intake lengthens your life...
Nov 27 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayRehabilitating Injured Brains? Newfound ability to change baby brain activity could lead to rehabilitation for injured brains...
Nov 26 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHow RRP7A Gene Affects Brain Size Mutations in both copies of the RRP7A gene are critical to proliferation and formation of new neurons...
Nov 25 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayPregnant Black Americans Suffer With High Stress Low choline levels found in Black American women may be causing high stress levels and premature births...
Nov 24 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayPreeclampsia and Vitamin D According to the World Health Organization, preeclampsia affects between 2% to 8% of pregnancies...
Nov 23 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayCraniofacial Development New insights into the origins of facial birth defects...
Nov 20 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridaySolving The Mystery of Embryonic Stem Cell Change Study of neural crest cells could boost stem cell therapy research into craniofacial malformations such as cleft palate and aggressive cancers like melanoma and neuroblastoma...
Nov 19 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayChromosomes Look Different Than You Think! High-resolution, 3D images of human chromosomes in single cells reveal how DNA structure is influenced by its function...
Nov 18 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayAn "Operating Manual" for Human Egg Fertility Immature cells in ovaries go through a few steps to mature and maintain eggs...
Nov 17 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayNewborn Asymptomatic Brain Hemorrhage Asymptomatic brain bleeds in newborns show up as normal brain development by age 2...
Nov 16 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayBorn to Be Young? Mom's prenatal thyroid hormones influence an infant's biological 'age' at birth...
Nov 13 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayAtlases Reveal How Cells Grow and Develop Two atlases map gene function and how cells differentiate into cell types and unique tissues in humans...
Nov 12 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayGene Helps Heart Grow/Slows Immune System Aging A gene playing a key role in fetal heart development also plays a key role in our immune system...
Nov 11 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayBrain Malformation Reveals Incredible Brain Plasticity People born without a corpus callosum manage to bridge between the two cerebral hemispheres of their brain...
Nov 10 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayMaking Stem Cells from Patient Airway Cells For the first time, researchers are creating airway stem cells by reprogramming blood cells from patients ...
Nov 9 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayWhy Stem Cells Can Endlessly Divide The centromere, a structure connecting each pair of chromosomes found in our body, is smaller and weaker in stem cells ? allowing those cells to divide almost endlessly into new cell types...
Nov 6 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayAlzheimer's Phase 3 Clinical Trial Treating mild Alzheimer's disease using deep brain stimulation...
Nov 5 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayAlzheimer's Traced to Mutation in Common Enzyme Mutation in common brain enzyme makes this protein sticky...
Nov 4 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayNew Blood Test for Alzheimer's A new blood test for Alzheimer's disease has been developed under the leadership of researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden...
Nov 3 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHappiness and the Evolution of The Human Brain Serotonin is the growth factor in fetal brain stem cells which determines human brain size...
Nov 2 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayFamily Structure Impacts Onset of Puberty in Girls Findings support a theory that stress in early childhood can influence puberty onset...
Oct 30 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayMom's Low Thyroid Level Causing ADHD in Children? Low levels of thyroid in mothers during the first three months of pregnancy may interfere with her baby's brain development...
Oct 29 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayROBO1 Gene Key in Child's Mathematical Ability How gene variation gives rise to differences in mathematical ability...
Oct 28 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayCord Blood DNA Holds Clues for Early ASD Diagnosis UC Davis MIND Institute study identifies DNA regions linked to autism in toddlers...
Oct 27 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayActivating Our Own Immune System Against Cancer Ancient elements embedded in our DNA for generations can activate a powerful immune response, killing cancer cells as if an infection...
Oct 26 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayImmune System Develops in First Days of Life Newborn innate immune system rapidly develops in the first days of life...
Oct 23 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayWomen Less Likely to Expose Themselves to COVID Women's attitudes and behaviors may contribute to their reduced mortality under COVID-19...
Oct 22 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayA Protein That Stops Deadly COVID-19 Reactions Blocking protein factor D may stop COVID-19 infection, prevent severe organ damage...
Oct 21 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayRobotics Help Advance Developmental Biology The study of developmental biology is getting robot help...
Oct 20 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayLinking 28 Genes to Developmental Disorders Researchers estimate another 1,000 genes are still to be found that can be linked to developmental disorders...
Oct 19 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayRare Congenital Heart Defect Rescued Human engineered developmental signals could assist regenerative medicine...
Oct 16 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridaySynthetic 'Morphogens' Guide Complex Tissue Growth Human engineered developmental signals could assist regenerative medicine...
Oct 15 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayDNA Interactions Helped Shape All Life On Earth Simple DNA-peptide interactions create a surprising diversity of phase behaviours, suggesting these polymers' interactions helped create today's complex biological structures...
Oct 14 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayLess Reproductive Restriction = Healthier Babies Black women, in states with restrictive reproductive rights deliver more low birth weight babies and experience greater health inequities...
Oct 13 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayNew Source of Prenatal Inflammation? Fragile brain tissue extensions protect the developing brain - but may also pass on inflammation from mother to fetus...
Oct 12 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayDoes Heat Control Gene Function? Bioengineers are devising a hot new technology to remotely control the positioning and timing of cell functions...
Oct 9 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayStudy Confirms Genetic Link in Cerebral Palsy Rare gene mutations can cause cerebral palsy...
Oct 8 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayReversing Severe Lymphatic Disorder Targeting a mutation along a well-studied gene pathway, led to complete resolution of symptoms and remodeling of lymphatic system...
Oct 7 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHow Cells Build Organisms Key control mechanism allows cells to form tissues and anatomical structures in the developing embryo...
Oct 6 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayWhy Are There So Many Unique COVID-19 Cases? Scientists in the US and UK publish first in-depth look at how CD4+ T cells fight SARS-CoV-2...
Oct 5 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayCOVID19 Cytokine Storms Computer model shows how COVID-19 could lead to runaway inflammation...
Oct 2 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayBrain Circuits Shaped By Genetics & Confined Space Competition between nerve fibers for space helps shape complex nerve circuits, providing clues to the role of genes in brain development...
Oct 1 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayPlacenta Forms Days Before Embryo Begins Placental cells are initiated first, before cells of the fertilised egg divide and specialize...
Sep 30 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayParental Touch Reduces Pain Perception in Babies A newborn baby's brain response to a painful medical jab is reduced by parental touch...
Sep 29 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayA New Method to Regulate Cell Plasticity Plasticity is essential to the developing embryo, the function of our immune system, and is crucial in cancer...
Sep 28 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayY Chromosome Activates Proteins - Not Genes Male genes perform regulatory functions differently than most genes - which might explain why men and women experience diseases differently...
Sep 25 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayMom's Intestinal Microbes Affect Fetal Brain In mice, maternal gut microbiata regulate which genes get activated in the growing fetal brain...
Sep 24 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHormone Reverses Infant Gut Malabsorption Human intestinal organoids grown from stem cells, model congenital malabsorption disorder in babies...
Sep 23 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayA Flu-Induced Vascular Storm in Pregnancy New research explains how the flu virus can lead to life-threatening complications in pregnancy...
Sep 22 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridaySetting the Speed for Embryo Development Knowing more about protein stability may help us refine regenerative medicine techniques...
Sep 21 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayChronic Stress & the Klf9 Gene Scientists are deciphering the role of the stress gene ? Klf9 ? to understand the effects of chronic stress...
Sep 18 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayGenetically Manipulating Disease Resistence First study in a mammal documenting gene reprogramming with inheritance into the next generation...
Sep 17 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayImmune Cells Sculpt Our Brain Immune cells play an unexpected role in fine-tuning the brain's neural circuits...
Sep 16 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayEmbryos Take Shape Under Pressure Scientists demonstrate how embryo structures deform under compression, a phenomenon that may determine the development of body parts...
Sep 15 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayWhy Your Immune System Does Not Attack You Inside our cells, the protein cGAS blocks our body from triggering our own immune system take dow...
Sep 14 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayRelax Through Your Pregnancy A mother's ability to manage stress has beneficial affects to both her and her newborn...
Sep 11 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayEstrogen Key Protection Against Stroke Brain Damage When our brain isn't getting enough oxygen, estrogen in both males and females hyperactivates astrocyte cells, increasing their numbers to protect brain function...
Sep 10 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayCircadian Rhythms "Wash" Waste From Brain People who rely on sleeping during daytime hours are at greater risk for developing neurological disorders...
Sep 9 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayStroke in Babies Surprisingly Common Stroke affects 1 in 4,000 babies in the first month of life...
Sep 8 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayWhat Prevents COVID-19 Entering Baby via Placenta? Protection of the placenta offers opportunities for future study of COVID-19 transmission prevention...
Sep 7 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayWhat Causes Swallowing Disorders? Misfiring brain cells may cause spontaneous impulses not to be in balance with inhibiting responses...
Sep 4 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayMaking Memories Assembling neural activity into a finely tuned orchestra of memories ? happens with the help of sleep...
Sep 3 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayUnprecedented 3D Reconstruction of A Protein Unprecedented detail, sets stage for developing drugs to treat diseases...
Sep 2 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to Friday"Jumping" DNA Regulates Our Human Neurons Virus-like elements "jump" around our genome and affect the function of our genes...
Sep 1 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayTwo Discoveries Boost Next-Generation Organoids New research tunes into cell signaling that will help make organoids better at mimicing functions of the trachea, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas...
Aug 31 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayNew Therapy to Prevent Onset of Dravet Syndrome? A promising new therapy alters the destructive course of this deadly disease - in mice...
Aug 28 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayFrom Fin to Limb How our limbs and digits evolved from fish fins approximately 400 million years ago...
Aug 27 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayTowards a Treatment for Krabbe Disease In one of 100,000 births, a mutation in the GALC gene causes an incurable, fatal disorder known as infantile Krabbe disease. Most toddlers with the condition die within 2 years...
Aug 26 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHow X Chromosomes 'Talk' to Each Other How do female humans and all other mammals decide which of two X chromosomes become active or silent?...
Aug 25 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayPreventing Heart Disease Before Birth Mitochondrial therapy in complicated pregnancies lowers the chance of cardiovascular problems in baby and future adult...
Aug 24 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to Friday"Preemies" Need Breast Millk Underweight premature babies do better - without side effects - on formula fortified with human milk...
Aug 21 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayAtlas of Fetal Heart Development A new study reports a potential therapeutic target that might promote heart cell regeneration even before birth...
Aug 20 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayGut Cells Nurture Lymph Capillaries Understanding how cilia grow and fat is digested in the small intestine...
Aug 19 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayBlurring the Line Between the Sexes Biological sex is typically understood as binary: male and female. But, there are many animals that modify their behavior to suit circumstances ? even changing sex...
Aug 18 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayCannabis Use in Pregnancy Linked to Autism Risk Children whose mothers reported using cannabis during pregnancy at greater risk for autism...
Aug 17 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayNew Genetic Analyses May Give Answers to Stillbirths Columbia researchers have uncovered an array of new genes that cause stillbirth, significantly increasing the understanding of the condition's genetic foundations...
Aug 14 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHow to Become a Nerve Cell Mitochondria regulate a key event in brain development ? turning precursor neural stem cells into nerve cells...
Aug 13 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to Friday'Antenna' Cover Neuron Cells When these cell antenna are too few in number or too short in length, Fragile X syndrome and autism may occur. However, it may be a possible to increase their number...
Aug 12 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayMethylation Shapes Our Genome Mammal embryos need precise matching of methyl groups to genes in order to regulate gene function. Mistakes in methyl attachments, are now commonly associated with gene mutations and diseases resulting from these errors...
Aug 11 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayReversing Alzheimer's Salk study demonstrates how a drug called CMS121 reverses memory loss in mice...
Aug 10 2020—Latest news in developmental biology Monday to FridayHow Cells Keep Growing Even When Under Attack New findings on how stress turns energy into growth...